Tyler Unity Center of Practical Christianity teaches the effective, daily application of the five principles of truth taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ. We promote a way of life that leads to prosperity, happiness and peace of mind.
Rev. Judith Taylor
Rev. Judith Taylor is an inspiring and experienced minister who has accepted the position of minister at Tyler Unity Center! With her deep knowledge of Religious Science/Science of Mind and her 2018 ordination from the Lola Pauline Mays New Thought School of Ministry, she is a true spiritual leader. Not only has she served on the executive board of the International New Thought Alliance (INTA), but she has also worked tirelessly with interfaith organizations and other nonprofits during her 8-year tenure at Unity Church of Shreveport. Her loving and compassionate nature has earned her a reputation for providing healing and acceptance to all those who cross her path. Join us as we embark on a new spiritual journey together under Rev. Judith Taylor’s guidance!
Sunday Services
Our in-person Sunday Services begins at 10:30am, and Adult Sunday School begins at 9:15am. We continue to serve online with weekly Sunday School (8:45am) and an assortment of other offerings.

Centered in GOD, we celebrate a world empowered by peace, love and oneness.

We are a vibrant, spiritual community reaching inward for guidance and outward in love, education and Sacred Service.

Love, Service, Spirit-Led, Inspiration, Acceptance, Spiritual Unfoldment